
This site is all about labeling… we imported the available information about skins and began the process of tagging things. *no, we aren’t calling this “skin tags”– don’t be gross.

The following attributes are what we used to classify the skins from our favorite game:

  • Category – Categories more or less correspond to special tags on the skin.
    To disambiguate, we have several types of Categories:
    • By Rarity— this is obvious. Elite, Epic, Collector, etc. We used the term “Common” to describe a skin that has no tag, despite some cases those skins being rare (e.g. Season First-Purchases)
    • By Squads —- Many have a corresponding “official” squad listed in the Gallery View, in-game, for example: Dragon Tamer. Note: in some cases they do not correspond with a specific tag.. e.g. S.A.B.E.R. Squad skins are all “Epic” despite their squad designation.
    • By Event—- special events often come with special Limited Time skins— you will see these tagged with an additional detail.
    • Themes — seasonal skins like Christmas, Valentines, or Summer Party
    • Collab — pretty self-explanatory
  • Tag – subjective styles that we label skins that would help you match your teammates, thematically. Seriously, nothing more intimidating than a bunch of Clowns.
    • We tried to make sure that the tag was substantive… that is, if there was a thematic element that was included in the skin, we made special note of it. For example, Feathers— all of these skins featured feathers as a decorative motif, but not all of them have a distinctive Bird theme or the more specific Raven theme
    • We did not tag something just because it referred to the subject in the name of the skin… For example, Alpha’s Fierce Dragon didn’t have enough cosmetic elements to be considered Draconic
    • More often than not, if there was some common element to the skin, it would get a tag. A fedora + a tailored suit would almost always go into Noir, a cowboy hat is likely Western, etc..
    • In some cases, we did apply a thematic label to styles indicative of indigenous peoples or religious symbology.
      NOTE: We take a strong stance against racism and discrimination in all of its forms.
  • Details – a text field that helps us label additional characteristics about the skin that aren’t a tag or category. e.g. whether the skin is hero’s Default or whether the skin was part of a Season reward.
  • Origin – this is a new taxonomy that will pull information from the Land of Dawn map, in-game. This will give you an opportunity to match up with your teammates not only cosmetically, but also thematically via the game’s LORE using races or factions. **STAY TUNED**
  • Hero – unlike fandom or even the MLBB APIs, we decided to flip the table. Instead of starting with each of the 120+ heroes and adding skins, we started with the 800+ skins and tagged each with their respective heroes. Keeping this about the skin and cosmetic appearance and less about the heroes and/or roles— we don’t care about the meta here, only about LOOKING GOOD.
  • Colors – this is our most controversial taxonomy— *see below*
    Typically, we assign 1, 2, or 3 colors based on the appearance as judged by a person using either the portrait image or pulling-up the hero in-game. We would label it with the most obvious color(s) first and finish with the color of any embellishments (aka trim) and/or hair color.–
    • We did not tag every hero’s hair, but with some hero skins, the hair is the most pronounced element of the skin and provides the most significant contribution to the overall palette.
    • We did not tag the hero’s skin tone, despite some of the skins being mostly skin. I’m talking about you, Lapu-Lapu— keep your shirt on!
  • Flags – our own internal warning system for skins that require special attention at some point down the line. e.g. Skins that Need Updating, or Preview and are thus unofficial.

Common Mistakes

Tags used on this site, other than the obvious skin categories, are purely subjective.
That is, we tried our best to line them up with styles commonly seen in popular culture.
The artists at Moonton do an astonishing job integrating influences from a variety of styles to create the skins that we love.
Thus, it is sometimes difficult to put a label on something… particularly if it is a unique amalgam.

But we are working on it!

The most common errors we make are:

  • Wrong tag.
    “no.. this is not a Japanese thing, when it’s clearly a Korean thing.”
    .. we get it.. We just called it whatever we thought it was.
  • Small element of something, but not quite enough.
    “It has a piece of plated armor, it must be medieval.”
  • Too General
    “Of course it’s medieval… this is a fantasy game…. everything is medieval.”
  • We can’t figure it out.
    “Even this collector skin has no distinctive style…”
    it’s just what it is.
  • Wrong color…
    You said violet, it looks more like a fuscia.
    That’s right.. I’m colorblind sometimes!
    Something to note here—- sometimes we tagged a color based on the portrait and sometimes we tagged a color based on the in-game model.. but it’s purely subjective and we may have missed something.
    We are working on a way to classify the color schemes in an automated fashion. *STICK WITH US*
  • We missed a skin.
    You know.. there are only like 120 heroes and 800 skins.
    By the time we finished the first round of tagging, 3 new skins were released.— we’ll get to them when we get to them.
  • We missed a tag.
    Is there a style that is unique and applies to a skin or set of skins that we didn’t get?
  • Tag re-use.
    Fire is very similar to inferno.
    We can argue the differences later.

  • Old Skins
    Moonton is constantly updating and revamping skins..
    You may see skins and hero icons that are of a previous design or pre-rework.
    We will flag those and update them when we can.
    Just let us know!
    You can check-out a list of old/missing skins here.
  • Image quality
    We are utilizing the amazing resources at MLFandom who over the last year has made huge advances in updating the cover art for the skins… but like we said before, there are hundreds of skins, so they may not have updated those— we flag the images that need updating and will get to them ASAP.

Got recommendations?

Did we miss something?

Please note: This site is maintained by volunteer efforts.
The styles here are subjective and the database is painstakingly curated by human-led efforts.
That means that we may not have nailed the styles just right, but we’re trying!
Be patient with us!