
This desert area in the western part of the continent has a harsh climate, but there are a large number of ancient desert labyrinths and relics of the Emerald Road, attracting the continent’s adventurers to continue to explore.

This is the main route for entering and exiting Agelta. It used to be dotted with city-states and bazaars, and caravans were endlessly passing by. But after the catastrophes, these city-states were devastated. The once prosperous cities and developed trade exchanges no longer exist. Only the ruins of the broken cities tell of the glory of the past.
Eruditio, the city of scholars, sits in the mid-west of the Land of Dawn. It was once part of the old Moniyan Empire. And after the old empire collapsed, Eruditio broke away from the imperial jurisdiction and embraced freedom and tolerance. Some scholars and artificers moved here because of the empire’s over-reliance on magic. it is truly a city of scholars.
Originally named Los Pecados, it is located on the edge of Agelta. After the collapse of the city-state alliance in Agelta, it became a land with no rulers. A group of scattered soldiers occupied it and started a disorderly black market trade here. Smuggling, crime, and fighting have become synonymous with this place, so it is also known as Sin City.
The remains of the Minotaur civilization at the end of the Era of Strife. After the destruction of the Minotaur civilization, the Minoan Labyrinth was covered with a veil of mystery. Some people say that you can only enter the legendary Minotaur castle through the Minos labyrinth. others say that there are many mysteries about the Twilight Orb and the Ancient Ones buried in Minos.
The oasis in the north of Agelta is home to many races. This was the birthplace of the entire orc race, but with the changes of time, the Orcs and the Minotaurs left here one after another. Only the Centaur live in the Misty Mountains in harmony with the nearby Eschackan tribe.
Located at the westernmost point of Agelta, it was once the most prosperous and powerful city-state in the west. But after the prosperity passed away, this once glorious ancient city followed the tyrant Khufra to the grave, all the residents in it disappeared, and the ancient city became a forbidden place that strikes fear into the hearts of those who hear its name. And in the deepest part of the ancient city, a powerful and brutal tyrant — Khufra was sealed.
Hidden in the center of the desert, Stargate Valley has been the residence of astrologers for generations. This mysterious and ancient sand castle has had a special mission since its birth: to observe and monitor the sealed Khufra, and keeping this evil tyrant sealed to prevent him from making a comeback.
After several catastrophes, Agelta became more desolate and harsh by the day, and water sources and settlements became the greatest needs of people traveling in the desert. A tree man named Belerick used his own power to create this small oasis to provide shelter for passing caravans.
Wind Fort and Fire Throat are known as the Twin Cities. After all the disasters Agelta endured, they were unaffected and became more prosperous. Wind Fort and Fire Throat have maintained communication and cooperation for generations. These two cities are currently masters of the Eschakan culture and their architectural styles and folk customs are highly recognizable and unique.
Azrya means “Land of Hope” in the Elvish tongue. It is the home of the Elves, a vast, lush woodland region full of rivers and lakes.

The Gleaming Marsh is located in the southern half of the Moonlit Forest. The climate here is tropical and teeming with life. The sprawling magical energy of the marsh has given life to colossal trees, luminescent moss, and aromatic cat tail ferns. This secluded paradise is where the simple and kind-hearted Leonins call home. They are born among nature and have become intimately in tune with it. Rarely would a Leonin choose to venture out of the Gleaming Marsh.
Lunar Temple is located in the center of Moonlit Forest. This is a holy place for the Moon Elves, where their Moon Goddess Gavana sleeps. This building contains the style of the ancient elves, all built with huge stones, tall and majestic. Later, Elves rarely built stone structures, which further demonstrates the special status of the Lunar Temple.
Moonlit Forest occupies most of the area of the Azrya Woodlands, adjacent to the Azure Lake of the Moniyan Empire, where various strange plants and animals that are hard to see in other parts of the mainland grow. Moonlit Forest represents the belief in the Moon Goddess, mysterious and beautiful. This is the hometown of the Moon Elves and the place their souls return to.
Shadow Swamp was once part of Moonlit forest. Because of its proximity to the Land of Despair, it was gradually corroded by the evil power of the Abyss. The fertile land became a muddy swamp where nothing could grow and the sky could not be seen. The Elves living here also lost their sacred beliefs and became Dark Elves working for the Abyss.
Isolated from the world, it is an ancient land of its kind. The harmony of all things is the Cadia Riverlands’ philosophy for survival. All races live in harmony here under the protection of the Great Dragon.

The City of the Dragon is located in the north of the Cadia Riverlands and is the largest human city there. The magnificent towers and dragon statutes that can be seen everywhere are some of the symbols of this city. Due to its proximity to the northern waters, the City of the Dragon has very developed fisheries and shipping. It also has a strong fleet.
At the other end of the Cadia Riverlands, on the warm and humid southern coast, lies the City of the Sand. This city with its long hiestory was born when mankind came to the Cadia Riverlands. A small number of people broke away from the large army that continued north, and instead came to the southern coast which has a more temperate climate, where they settled and multiplied.
The Dragon Altar is located deep in the mountains of the Cadia Riverlands suspended in the air. The fog surrounding it makes the entire area appear indistinct. This is the place where the Great Dragon and his disciples live. The great power of the Great Dragon blocks the entrance and exit between the Dragon Altar and the outside world. Only those with permission can enter the Dragon Altar from the “Heavenly Gate”
Scarlet Shadow is located in the north of the Cadia Riverlands and is home for ninjas. This village hidden in the rock walls of the deep mountains is full of dojos for practice and shrines built in honor of the great ninjas of the past. This place passes on the tradition of techniques that belong to the ninjas, and the disciples of the first generation of ninjas continue to carry forward ninjutsu and the ninja clan here.
Stream Valley is located in the middle of the Cadia Riverlands. This ancient village was the end point of the great migration, and people’s first foothold into the Cadia Riverlands. The sweet stream here restores the stamina of the thirsty and hungry people and can continue moving fowards, hence the name Stream Valley. It is now home to the pandas.
Though it has not regained its former glory, the reborn Moniyan Empire is still the most important political force on the Land of Dawn

Hometown of the Yasson, a mysterious place.
Azure Lake is located in the southeastern part of the Empire. Its beautiful scenery and pleasant climate make it an ideal place to live and cultivate. Once ruled by the Elves, the noble House Alvin now lives here in seclusion. They never participate in political activities within the Empire. As the collateral blood relatives of the Moniyan Empire royal family, they secretly guard the secrets of the royal bloodline.
A dense and primitive ancient forest, no one knows what lies inside it. Because it has been occupied by werewolves, no one dares to venture into this forest. Occasionally, the howling of one or two wolves resounds throughout the heavens.
Castle Aberleen is located in the southern part of the Empire, close to the Land of Despair. It is shrouded in a faint mist all year round, giving it an air of mystery and unpredicability. Castle Aberleen is the traditional fief of House Paxley, the Duchy of the South. House Paxley is one of the oldest noble families in the Empire. They have a decisive influence in the Empire, but act with a low profile.
Castle Gorge is located in the southwest of the Moniyan Empire. It is the western capital of the empire and the largest city in the Moniyan Empire after Lumina City. Castle Gorge got its name from the west being rich and full of gold mines. At present, Castle Gorge is ruled by House Baroque. As the oldest noble in the Empire, House Baroque has ruled the West from the beginning of the Golden Era.
Castle Grandrock is located in the northern port of the Empire, connecting the Moniyan Empire with the trade and economic exchanges of the Northern Vale in the north. The so-called Castle Grandrock is a city built on a big rock. The huge rock section and solid city walls make it super defensive. It is currently under the Jurisdiction of House Vance, which is named the Duchy of the North.
Lumina City is the capital of the Moniyan Empire, the most prosperous place in the Land of Dawn, and also the political and trade center of the whole continent. Businesspeople, poets, and travelers of all races gather here. The magnificent and wide Oracle Plaza can accommodate the tens of thousands of people who gather to witness and celebrate the triumphs of heroes.
Built by the Moniyans who believed in the Lord of Light. At the beginning of the establishment of the Church of Light, the old believers and pastors used the Monastery of Light as the venue to perform various ancient and mysterious religious ceremonies. Later, the Holy Order moved from the monastery and came to Lumina City. Some people who upheld ancient doctrines returned to the Monastery of Light and followed the most stringent ancient doctrines.
The northern vale is located in the northernmost part of the Land of Dawn and is the coldest place on the continent. The extremely harsh environment has created the stubborn and unyielding characteristics of the Northern Vale people.

This place makes up the waters north of the Northern Vale, with icebergs floating all year round. It was originally not suitable for trade, but due to the rise of the Abyss, the seas south of the mainland began facing threats, and the Frozen Sea became the only route for many merchant ships. As trade flourished, pirate groups emerged at the same time. Because of their existence, the Frozen Sea became less peaceful.
The Martyr Shrine is located in the center of the Northern Vale. The ancestors of the Northern Vale people, the “Icefielders”, built this shrine for worship and gatherings. After the extinction of the Iceland Golems, this temple remained abandoned until the Northern Vale people discovered it again and named it the Martyr Shrine. This is the port of their belief: the entrance to Valhalla.
This was an unknown place in the Land of Dawn. But since Zhask came here through a crack of time and space, he transformed it into a frightening Swarm nest. Zhask named this place Kastiya – his hometown.
The Magic Academy is mysterious and ancient, and only those who have received an invitation or possess magic talent can find its entrance in the north.
The Megalith Wasteland with its crimson ground is a place one must pass through when going to the Northern Vale, the landform is towering and barren. In the empty wasteland, there are huge megaliths towering into the clouds. These megaliths were built by the Iceland Golems and used to serve as a powerful magic forcefield stopping the Golems from entering the south from the north. With the demise of the Iceland Golems, the magic forcefield was abandoned, becoming a relic that amazed future generations.
Queen’s Peak is located in the northwest of the Northern Vale. The snow-capped mountains protuding from this strange peak are like towers rising straight into the sky, standing among isolated islands. The climate around Queen’s Peak is cold. Snow and ice cover this place all year round. Standing on the peak, you can see the magnificent and colorful aurora, but almost no ordinary people can reach the top of Queen’s Peak.
The Barren Lands is a land of despair. It was extremely prosperous here, but with the birth of Necrokeep and the rise of the Abyss, the land completely lost its prosperity.

At the end of the Golden Era, the Abyss emerged from the ground of nothingness, tearing the soil and rocks, forming a huge crack — the Abyss Crack. One cannot see to the bottom, and the powerful dark power fills the entire crack and continues to spread in all directions. As soon as ordinary people enter the vicinity of the Abyss Crack, they suffer intense corrosion and torture.
Askati Forest is the only special area in the Barren Lands that has not been infected by the plague of the Abyss. The mountain peaks that poke straight into the clouds blocked the power of the Abyss, so that the jungle vegetation and ecosystem on the peak were not destroyed. Pharsa, the Crow, who had been viciously cursed, lives here.
The Lantis Mountains make up the longest mountain range on the Land of Dawn. They isolate the Moniyan Empire from the Land of Despair and prevent the Abyss from spreading further. It is said that the mountains were once the residence of the Ancient Ones, and there are legends and powerful forces about the Ancient Ones, but no one has been able to find their existence to date.
This was once the magnificent city of Ridgeburg. A hundred years ago, the Duchess released the Mist amid the attack of the Abyss, repelling the demons but also turning the residents into the undead. Instead of grieving for their misfortune, the people still yeared for the beauty of life. They tenaciously guarded the city, protecting the glimmer of hope from being devoured by the mist of despair.
The Stormeye Wasteland is close to the dense Shadow Swamp. This is the last place Orcs survived on the Land of Dawn. It retains a large number of cultural relics left by the Orcs. However, due to the corrosion of the Abyss, the demans began to rule the Orcs here and carried out a cruel suppression. The Orcs in the Stormeye Wasteland looked forward to their liberation under the leadership of Balmond.
The Vonetis Islands are the home of the Dorik people. The islands are an ideal place to live and a natural harbor with their beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. The islands retain many of the folk customs of the Dorik people.

Blue Flame Island is located in the northern Vonetis Islands. The entire island is shrouded in blue mist all year round, which gives it its name. According to legend, in the deep ocean near Blue Flame Island, there live intelligent fish people.
Located on Baker Island, south of Agelta, a group of enthusiastic scientists gathered here and built a huge scientific experiment base dedicated to various illegal human experiments and technological creations with the ultimate goal of destroying Eruditio. To the outside it was known as Laboratory 1718.
Located on the surface of the sea off the southwestern part of the mainland, lies a couple of rifts named Nebula and peculiar gemini rift, which people call the Frozen Sea Chronorift and the Nebula Chronorift. The two rifts lead to two different planets in the Aradhem Universe – the hometown of Ashura and the hometown of the Mighty Guardian. The fight between Martis and Gatotkaca created the entrance to the time rift and brought the fateful couple of enemies to the Land of Dawn.
Perlas is located in the center of the Vonetis Islands. There are many ports here for the islanders to enter and exit the islands and conduct trade. It is also the largest gathering place for the Dorik people.
The southermost island of the Vonetis Islands has a huge fishing ground, but as the Abyss spread, the sea water near Solari began to be corroded by the Abyss.